Comprehensive laboratory & field services
We conduct a variety of laboratory tests for the construction industry. Our laboratory evaluations include analytical testing, cleaning tests, protective treatment analysis, and more. Our expert staff will conduct testing to determine how to remove unsightly graffiti or stains and prevent their reoccurrence.
Analytical Testing
Analytical testing gives you a better understanding of the conditions and deterioration mechanisms on your building. This can be invaluable in problems solving, or (better yet) preventing problems from happening in the first place.
Cleaning Tests
Test results help the architect develop specifications for the projects and provides information about appropriate products and procedures.
Salt Analysis
Using an ion-chromatograph with EPA Test Method 300.1, 200.7, and 365.3, AMT Labs determines Chloride, Nitrate, Nitrite, Sulfate, Calcium, Sodium, and Phosphate content of the samples.
Acid Solubility Testing
To understand a masonry substrate’s vulnerability to surface reduction and deterioration caused by acidic precipitation, this testing determines how of the masonry sample is composed of acid-soluble materials (e.g., a calcareous cementing matrix).
Stain and Soiling Identification
Preliminary identification of soiling and contaminants is made using a stereomicroscope. Following this examination, further instrumental testing may be recommended.
Petrographic Examination
Identification of the mineralogical composition of the masonry sample is initially determined using powder X-ray diffraction analysis. Confirmation of the XRD results, textural characterization of the sample, and identification of trace components and any suitable stain or microchemical tests are conducted using polarized light microscopy.
Accelerated Weathering
Submitted samples are exposed to alternate cycles of ultraviolet light using fluorescent lamps UVA-340 and 60°C temperatures and cooler, moist, dark conditions at 20-30°C. Temperature, humidity, and UV cycling are intended to replicate external weathering conditions but are accelerated.
Moh’s Hardness Testing
The Mohs Scale of Hardness is useful to determine the hardness of a stone. Hardness is a measure of a mineral's resistance to abrasion and is measured against a standard scale. By using this test, the relative hardness of an unknown mineral can be determined.
Cleaning Tests
Cleaning tests can be done for new construction or existing construction. Determine the appropriate cleaner and dilution to remove mortar smears, metallic staining, carbon or biological soiling, and efflorescence.
Adhesion Testing
ASTM D4541
Pull-Off Strength of Coatings is tested using a Type V adhesion tester (PosiTest AT Pull-Off Adhesion Tester) using a dolly (20 mm or 50 mm diameter) and a plated steel base support ring. Force used to remove the coating is used to calculate pull-off strength as pounds per square inch.
Stain Repellency Tests
Determine the most effective stain repellent product for your substrate. Specific soiling agents are allowed to dwell on treated and untreated substrates for times of 24 hours, 4 hours, 1 hour, and 10 minutes. The test areas are then cleaned and evaluation consists of a visual examination of the tested areas to determine the percentage of staining removal.
Water Vapor Transmission
Samples are placed on laboratory test cells partially filled with distilled water. The total weight loss of the individual cells is calculated over a set period of time.
Graffiti Repellency Tests
This evaluation compares the effectiveness of graffiti control treatments in preventing staining of enamel spray paint and permanent markers.
RILEM Testing (Water Absorption) – RILEM Test No. 11.4
A water absorption tube test simulating wind-driven and wind-blown rain conditions is performed for 20 minutes. A water absorption tube produces a 60 mph, 98 mph, or 104 mph dynamic wind pressure, depending on the type of tube used.
Conservation Treatment Evaluation
ASTM E2167
The Conservation Treatment Evaluation is designed for projects where masonry deterioration is advanced. The test program evaluates the effectiveness of conservation treatments in stabilizing conditions and preventing future deterioration. The program is divided into two parts: Pre-Treatment and Post-Treatment. The Pre-Treatment Test Program consists of a Petrographic Examination, Water and Acid Solubility, Water Absorption, Hygroscopic Uptake, and Anionic Salt Analysis. Post-treatment tests measure the effectiveness of conservation treatments and rule out adverse effects. The Post-Treatment Test Program consists of Absorption of the Conservation Treatment, Depth of Penetration, Water Absorption, and Color Change.
AMT Labs Conservation Treatment Evaluation
Authorization Form
Slip Resistance Testing
Submitted samples are tested for wet and dry static coefficient of friction using procedures and materials. Using a dynamometer, the force required to pull a 50-lb weight assembly is measured. Multiple pulls in different directions are used to determine the static coefficient of friction.
PROSOCO’s Pallet Tag Program
AMT conducts the testing for PROSOCO's Pallet Tag Program which guards against mistreated masonry by ensuring masonry is cleaned and protected correctly. The program pinpoints the right cleaners and protective treatments for use on each submitted block, brick, paver, natural stone, etc. A custom pallet tag details exactly which product to use and at what dilution rate, eliminating common areas of liability for the masonry manufacturer by providing the contractor with precise instruction for the care of your specific brick or block. This program is free and the only cost to the customer is the costs to ship samples to AMT Labs. The customer will receive a full laboratory report in addition to the customized pallet tag.